It’s one thing to have good people around you and it’s another to be surrounded by the right people. The good may give you comfort but the right will have what you need. Furthermore some may only be pretenders. 2Corinthians 11:14
By the Grace of God I am what I am: and this Grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Consider the Positive Past
It is dangerous to dwell on the negative past as a platform to predict a negative future. That is a perspective that comes from hell, sponsored by the spirit of fear. When such an attitude develops in someone there is a great danger of making resolutions and determinations that are not in line with the will of God, in the bid to escape from the terrible future (that has been created in their minds). Many times the solution to a problem is not to quit but to identify the source of the problem and hence address it for better results. Don't easily give up on people because of the negative that may have happened in the past; most especially if they portray the willingness to change - remember they have the positive past as well. Be more of a believer than a 'doubter'. People can always change for the better.
Friday, September 17, 2010
We need to be ready
Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen, let's live our lives with the conscience that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back anytime for those that are ready. He says in Matthew 24:36-42, "No one knows about that day or hour, ... As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man... Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." Remember He's coming back for a church "without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." (Ephesians 5:27). We just have to be ready; anytime He can show up! I don't want to be Left Behind and it is not something I desire for anyone on this planet. May God help us.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Campus Flavor 2010- A few hours away
We are just a few hours away from September 11th, 2010. We believe God is going to use this as a platform to change many lives and to raise many for this season. I have the expectation that many who had lost that fire/passion (due to many circumstances and situations in life) will be able to bounce back. We have invested in this one-day event money that is not readily available in our pockets for one reason - Jesus doesn't only deserve our best; He deserves a sacrifice. Keep praying and declaring upon this day. I'm believing, not only for revival, but for a revolution in many lives.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Campus Flavor 2010 - Kyambogo University - Saturday, September 11th 2010
The objectives of this event will be achieved through various activities between 4pm and 9pm on September 11th 2010. We will have Music, Testimonies, Preaching, Live interviews, Altar calls, Praise and Worship, a time of prayer and so much more.
We need at least UgShs 1.7M to cover this budget. May you please keep it in your prayers and contribute in any way you can.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I guess you must have heard of or ever used this phrase: "I don't want to lose my patience". Patience is a very expensive attribute and virtue in life. You can only know you have developed patience when you can no longer lose it; patience does not expire. I have come to believe that it is easier to have faith than to have patience. James says, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." [James 1:2-4]. He mentions of a 'Faith test' and a 'Patience test' in this portion of scripture.
For a Christian, you can't go through a patience test without raising your level of trust in God; these two will have to be tested together.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Intervarsity on Facebook
Hello, if you don't know yet, the Intervarsity Ministry is on Facebook. If you are a member, friend or almnus of the Intevarsity, check it out. The facebook account name is JESUS INTERVARSITY.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Preparing for First Year Students in Kyambogo University
University is a very strategic place for influencing the minds of young intellectuals. However, this influence can be good or bad. A popular saying by Edmund Burke goes, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Indeed the devil would like to seize every opportunity to destroy lives and divert people from their right course of destiny, but the only counteractive measure that can make sense is for the church to arise in the might and power of the living God.
That's why we are on the campaign of calling upon every Intervarsity member who can be in Kyambogo during the orientation week (9th-14th August) to be there so that we welcome as many students as possible into university life. The strategy is so simple: get 3 friends per day for 5 days and bring them for lunch hour fellowship, then talk to them about Jesus, ministry, university life and many other things. They will never forget you. And furthermore, who knows? May be by welcoming those people to university, their lives will be saved from the devil's hands just because of you! I encourage all of us to encourage our friends to be there for this harvest.
Intervarsity Orientation Week Program
We will be having a meeting on Sunday 8th August at Kyambogo for all those that will have reported. We will be meeting every morning before we dispatch. Then we will be having Lunch hour fellowships from Monday to Friday in the Peace park, as well as evening prayer sessions from Monday to Thursday. We will be going for an overnight service on Friday. Saturday afternoon, we will have a ladies' meeting and Saturday evening will be for evangelism in halls/hostels. On Sunday, free transport to Christian Life Church will be available from the Business Studies department and various hostel stages. Let your friends know about this.
The harvest is ready, and my prayer is that God will help the laborers to be ready. I pray that we all get the revelation of why we need to be part of the Freshers’ harvest mission. Remember their orientation week begins Monday 9th August. The more people we have on ground, the greater the harvest. Please consider being there for this week.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Henry's Weekly - Partnerships that Matter
Hello, I have posted this week's article, "Partnerships that matter". Click here to read it. Let me know if you get any problem in accessing the articles. You can drop a mail to
Friday, July 16, 2010
There is hope
God’s mercy is so extreme that even after driving Nebuchadnezzar off the throne to live with the animals, God preserved his kingdom for him. For seven years he put him low so that he could exalt him after changing him for the best. Interestingly, when God restored him to the kingdom, he restored all his respect and glory to him. Nebuchadnezzar testifies saying, “At the same time mine understanding returned unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom, my majesty and brightness returned unto me; and my counsellors and my lords sought unto me; and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent greatness was added unto me” (Daniel 4:36). Hence, we learn that when God takes you through a “humbling process”, it is not meant to destroy you but to place you where you belong – at his feet. And when the process is over, no matter what happened, he restores your respect, dignity, authority, and power, and in most cases it comes with promotion. If they sought a king who ate grass and lived in the open fields for seven years, with hair like eagle’s feathers and nails like bird’s claws (Daniel 4:33), then God can surely restore anyone to glory.
“For there is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease.” – Job 14:7
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Keep the focus on God's positioning
Henry's Weekly - Go God's Way
Hello, it's been long since I posted the previous article. Click here to read the latest article entitled, "Go God's Way". As the body of Christ we need to live under unity and sharing a common vision; the vision of our King...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Daniel and Friends
Daniel and his friends were already true servants and worshipers unto God even before they went into captivity. They did not see themselves as too high though they had all the following attributes:
· Well favoured
· Skillful in all wisdom
· Cunning in knowledge
· Understanding Science
These four young men are the ones who qualified when the king sought people for such characteristics (Daniel 1:3-4). Later on the Bible says, “God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams” (Daniel 1:17), and in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm” (Daniel 1:20).
No matter how experienced, talented and skilled, there is no one greater than the creator who grants all good things to men. We need to revere Him and always place our best at His feet, even for His service. He’ll then exalt us before men in due time.
Something interesting about these young men is that they refused to eat the “fattening recipe” yet at the end of ten days of surviving on their “fasting recipe” the Bible says “their countenances appeared fairer and fatter than all the children which did eat the portion of the king’s meat” (Daniel 1:15).
When the glory of God is upon you, you’ll look greater and better than you think! Those who fast genuinely seeking the Lord do not lose weight in vain but in gain.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Mission Praise Report
Glory be to God! The Intervarsity mission to Mubende District progressed successfully. From the time we arrived on Sunday 30th May, we experienced the wonder working ability of the power and authority that God has entrusted unto His children. We were majorly concentrating on preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the schools in Mubende. We reached 44 schools in 4 days with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Over 25,000 souls got the opportunity to hear this good news and over 4,747 declared Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour of their lives. Thursday 3rd June was a public holiday and that meant pupils and students would not be at school. Hence, we organized a students/pupils conference on Thursday afternoon. We encountered many situations where we had to do what Paul did in Acts 19:8, "...spoke boldly, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God.". We also gave out Bibles to some of the pupils and students.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Up Next - Intervarsity Mission to Mubende, 30th May - 6th June 2010
For the first time in so many years we will be holding another mission in a place where we've been before. A group of University students and young professionals will be heading to Mubende District, majorly targeting schools and other institutions of learning. We expect to reach 75 schools within 5 days with the gospel of Jesus Christ and implementing Life Skills. At the end of each day we'll be having an open-air crusade featuring preaching, praying, praise and worship as well as screening evangelistic movies. Our budget stands at UgShs1,800,000/=. Please stand with us in prayer, and in providing financially. You can also join us for this wonderful week. We need both the human resource and the money. Looking forward to your replies. +256782887063, +256702230201,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Desire, Decision and Determination
These three are fundamental aspects in effecting change. In order to see a change regarding anything,
there has to be a strong desire to see that change;
Then a decision to act has to be made;
And when the decision is made, discouragement and procrastination might destroy everything;
hence there has to be determination.
Have a Desire to change, and then Decide and Determine to see it happen.
Hebrews 12:1-2 , "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."
Friday, April 30, 2010
Stay Active
The English have a saying that "An idle mind is the devil's workshop". I don't know how they came to that conclusion, but I also believe an idle spiritual life is an unstable life. I believe it's hard to keep running low spiritually if we can keep our inner man active. We have many senses and at least one of these senses can always help us to keep in spiritual activity during what would have become "idle time". Keep yourself in an active state regarding spiritual matters; if you're not reading the Word, you can be sharing the Word of God with someone. If you're not preaching, you can pray; or you can watch or listen to a good sermon. If you're not using your mouth, ears or eyes, you can meditate upon the scripture that caught your attention today. Choose to stay active... (More in the next article with the same title. Click Here to read the previous article, "Be A Witness").
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Up Next - 15th Prayer Mountain Experience
It's gonna take place on the night of Friday 30th April all through to the afternoon of Saturday, 1st May 2010. It's gonna be a leaders' prayer summit in a way. Bringing forth fresh assurance to the young men and women that God has called for this generation. We will be at the Africa Prayer Mountain for All Nations, Seguku. Regardless of the evil going on around us, there is still hope. We will have time to talk about different issues in small groups, I'll be sharing about the "Blessing of the Lord", "Red, Yellow and Green", "Stay Active" and so much more. Above all, there will be an overwhelming, life-changing moment with the Holy Spirit on Friday night. I pray that as many as can make it to this experience will not have an excuse to miss.. Registration is necessary. You can get details about registration and attendance on 0782 887 063, 0702 230 201.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Intervarsity Ministry Hand-over Party
Sunday, 19th April 2010 was a day of rejoicing in the Lord for the far that He has brought us and the further He's taking us. We had a "power moment" amidst the party mood and many were revived and encouraged.; it was a powerful moment of worship and prayer. The joy of the Lord was all over the place. The whole event was so successful and the new committee took on the responsibility of leading the Intervarsity Ministry forward. It was such a beautiful afternoon and evening. Soon you'll be getting the photos on my flickr page. You can also click here for a copy of my speech for that day.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Introducing Andrew Umah Tete

Friday, April 9, 2010
Intervarsity Ministry Hand-over
The Intervarsity Ministry committee for Kyambogo University will be handing over to a new committee on Sunday 18th April 2010. We will hold this party at Sky Hotel from 3pm to 7pm. It's gonna be a Holy Ghost party. We expect representatives from MUK, MBI, KIU and the Alumni. All attendants have been asked to give in an affordable contribution to make this occasion a success. Registration is still on till 15th April.
Henry's Weekly - Be A Witness
Have you read this week's article? If not, click here to read it.
We can’t pay Him back because we don’t have anything expensive enough to match the price he paid. Nevertheless, we can do something about it; we can choose to be witnesses.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
God's Uninterruptible Schedule
I was excited about something during my morning study today! I realized that as long as you are rightly moving in the will of God, nothing in the world can change God's schedule for your life. Whatever seems to be an obstacle is either a stepping stone for you or an irrelevant occurrence. Jesus' life was pre-determined before he was born and no matter what happened everything moved according to God's schedule. The killing of countless babies did not hinder his growth; the beheading of John the baptist did not change his time of starting ministry; the death on the cross only brought his mission to accomplishment; and finally his resurrection happened at the exact planned time despite the presence of the heavy stone and guards on the tomb! The stone had to roll away and the guards had to become like dead men [Matthew 28:1-6]. I'm glad to know that I can't be hindered.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Pastor Jackson's Message on Easter Sunday
Pastor Jackson Senyonga shared an Easter message entitled "What If, What When, What Now". Here is my brief recap of the message:
What if? What if Jesus had not died on the cross or died but didn't resurrect?
We would still be in the old testament if He hadn't died because the will of the person who made it doesn't come into effect till He dies [Hebrews 9:16-17]. Our faith would be full of misery and sorrow because we would only meditate on His death. If He did all the miracles and died and failed to resurrect, He would be another good great man who once lived and died. But all this can't be because He died and resurrected.
What When? What happened when He died?
The earth shook, the veil in the temple was torn into two and God made His glory and His presence available to all people at all times. When He died all the promises in the new will/testament came into effect. Jesus turned death into opportunity; it was once man's greatest fear but he now made it the gateway to eternal life.
What Now? Now that we know He died and resurrected, so what?
He now lives to watch over the will He left unto His own. We now have a reason to celebrate. We now have a new life and the day we die is the day we start living eternally.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Henry's Weekly - When It's All About Him
Hey, If you haven't read this week's article, you need to read it. When it's All about Him you can't question it because your whole being testifies to that truth. Motives are the foundation of what we do and we live. Click here to read it.
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The New Foundation
Jesus said "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”[John 2:19]. When He talked of rebuilding the temple in 3 days, He signified His resurrection on the third day. Our redemption began at the crucifixion but our salvation was complete at the resurrection. He allowed them to kill Him so that He could rebuild His Body - the body of Christ on a new foundation; Him being the chief cornerstone! "He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities." [Isaiah 53:11]
The Unequaled Power of the Cross
It started at Calvary but the impact is worldwide and still progressing. The saving power of Jesus' death and resurrection still works in the lives of multitudes of people around the world everyday. Isaiah writes "Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand" (Is 53:10). And Paul adds; For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God (1Corinthians 1:18).
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A True Leader Indeed
A true leader will always mind about saving others and giving others a better life. Jesus suffered for us because He loves us as His own. He is a man worth emulating. He was arrested and sentenced and led off to die, and no one cared about his fate. He was put to death for the sins of our people (Isaiah 53:8). He says, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep" (John 10:11).
Monday, March 29, 2010
Why it had to become a Good Friday for me
We call it a Good Friday but to Jesus it was not that fancy. However, there is a reason why: All of us were like sheep that were lost, each of us going his own way. But the LORD made the punishment fall on him, the punishment all of us deserved (Isaiah 53:6). The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). His suffering purchased our freedom.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Henry's Weekly - Seizing Opportunities
Praise the Lord!
I just posted another article on my group page. It's entitled "Seizing Opportunities". One missed opportunity can negatively change a person’s life forever just as a seized opportunity can result into a life-time miracle! Click here to read it. You can also join the mailing list by sending the request to
Praise the Lord!
I just posted another article on my group page. It's entitled "Seizing Opportunities". One missed opportunity can negatively change a person’s life forever just as a seized opportunity can result into a life-time miracle! Click here to read it. You can also join the mailing list by sending the request to
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Henry's Weekly - Working Out Our Salvation
Hello, I uploaded another message entitled "Working Out Our Salvation". In this I look at the responsibility we still have to own after coming to Christ; He grants us a free ticket to the race but He does not run for us! Click here to read it.
You can join my mailing list by sending a request to
You can also check out a list of other messages from me by Clicking here. Click on the title of the message that you would like to read when you get to that page.
You can join my mailing list by sending a request to
You can also check out a list of other messages from me by Clicking here. Click on the title of the message that you would like to read when you get to that page.
Henry's Weekly - The Sower's delight
Hello, I uploaded a new message a few days ago entitled "The Sower's delight". I look at what interests the sower talked about in Matthew 13:3-8. Click here to read it.
You can join my mailing list by sending a request to
You can also check out a list of other messages from me by Clicking here. Click on the title of the message that you would like to read when you get to that page.
You can join my mailing list by sending a request to
You can also check out a list of other messages from me by Clicking here. Click on the title of the message that you would like to read when you get to that page.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Good Shepherd Fellowship - Circumcising ourselves to the Lord
In the fellowship at Good Shepherd hostel, I shared about the words from the book of Jeremiah 4:4 "Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your heart..." Like God spoke to the men of Judah and Jerusalem in those days, so does He call us in our days. The World today needs Christians who will stand at the front line amidst social controversy and this requires people who are sold-out to the Lord. We can't run fast enough with a lot of unnecessary extra weight on our backs; we need to cut away the foreskin (of carnality). We need to let some things go so that we can wholly submit to the Lord...
Besides praying for ourselves in line with the message, we also prayed for our families, the hostel and Kyambogo University. We prayed that God will cause His children to arise and participate in the upcoming guild elections, and I know He answered our prayers.
Besides praying for ourselves in line with the message, we also prayed for our families, the hostel and Kyambogo University. We prayed that God will cause His children to arise and participate in the upcoming guild elections, and I know He answered our prayers.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Family Altar Ministry - Gideon Camp - 25th-28th February 2010
It was such a wonderful time. Family Altar Ministry organized this youthful event at Friends of Uganda Guest House, Muguluka. It was a time of revival to people's spiritual and emotional lives. We shared a lot through the workshops, movie show, prayer moments and the visiting preachers. Every moment was so impressive. It was my first time to watch "Facing the Giants" and Oh, what a great inspirational movie that is! We ate, we prayed, we shared testimonies and the Word of God, we were refreshed and there aren't enough words to explain how good it was. I felt the love for this ministry which has the zeal of restoring the glory of the family institution (as intended by God). You can think about supporting this ministry by dropping an email at You can even subscribe for the free newsletter and know more about the Men's breakfast, Women's breakfast, etc. Click here to see some snaps taken at the FAM Gideon camp 2010.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Mubende and Tororo Intervarsity Mission
This is a praise report! I thank God for the success He granted us from 24th January to 6th February 2010. We did what we had never done before; we held two missions within the same time. We spent the week of 24th January to 31st January in Mubende District (Central Uganda bordering the West). During this time we conducted door-to-door evangelism, open air crusades, hospital ministry, radio broadcasts on Mubende Broadcasting Service and so much more. At the end of the week we were blessed to minister to two different congregations at Reach Out Faith Centre and New Life Victory Centre.
We then crossed from Mubende to Tororo District (Eastern Uganda)! We spent the whole week in the village setting of Papoli. We conducted door-to-door preaching, open air crusades, built a church structure in that place and reached out to 6 schools in Tororo town with the gospel. The expenses were huge but we thank God at the end of the fortnight everything was successful. Many souls came to Christ as a result of these activities. We also thank God for Pastor Jackson Senyonga who provided us with the PA system and we convey our gratitude to all other stakeholders who helped in making this venture a success.
We then crossed from Mubende to Tororo District (Eastern Uganda)! We spent the whole week in the village setting of Papoli. We conducted door-to-door preaching, open air crusades, built a church structure in that place and reached out to 6 schools in Tororo town with the gospel. The expenses were huge but we thank God at the end of the fortnight everything was successful. Many souls came to Christ as a result of these activities. We also thank God for Pastor Jackson Senyonga who provided us with the PA system and we convey our gratitude to all other stakeholders who helped in making this venture a success.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Henry's Weekly Message Sending Service
Hey, you can receive weekly articles from me by sending your email address to or you can click here to check out a list of the available messages. When you click on the message title, you'll be prompted to open or download it. The message will open within 10 - 60 seconds depending on your network speed. I'm glad to be a part of your life through this blogspot. You are blessed!
Enjoying the wonder of technology
I'm glad to have this blog as an avenue of sharing daily experiences and reaching out to many. It's amazing how God has gifted man to venture into the field of technology and make many things possible. We are blessed to enjoy privileges that many generations never got to discover. Glory to God!
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