This is a praise report! I thank God for the success He granted us from 24th January to 6th February 2010. We did what we had never done before; we held two missions within the same time. We spent the week of 24th January to 31st January in Mubende District (Central Uganda bordering the West). During this time we conducted door-to-door evangelism, open air crusades, hospital ministry, radio broadcasts on Mubende Broadcasting Service and so much more. At the end of the week we were blessed to minister to two different congregations at Reach Out Faith Centre and New Life Victory Centre.
We then crossed from Mubende to Tororo District (Eastern Uganda)! We spent the whole week in the village setting of Papoli. We conducted door-to-door preaching, open air crusades, built a church structure in that place and reached out to 6 schools in Tororo town with the gospel. The expenses were huge but we thank God at the end of the fortnight everything was successful. Many souls came to Christ as a result of these activities. We also thank God for Pastor Jackson Senyonga who provided us with the PA system and we convey our gratitude to all other stakeholders who helped in making this venture a success.
We then crossed from Mubende to Tororo District (Eastern Uganda)! We spent the whole week in the village setting of Papoli. We conducted door-to-door preaching, open air crusades, built a church structure in that place and reached out to 6 schools in Tororo town with the gospel. The expenses were huge but we thank God at the end of the fortnight everything was successful. Many souls came to Christ as a result of these activities. We also thank God for Pastor Jackson Senyonga who provided us with the PA system and we convey our gratitude to all other stakeholders who helped in making this venture a success.