In Genesis 1 God spoke and creation came forth. For 6 times He did so the Bible says, "And God saw that it was good." Then after creating man, "God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." God's word has creative power, and likewise, Everyday we create our world through our thoughts, words and actions. Let us create what we will behold as good in our sight.
We can use our imagination to create failure or success and utilize our tongues positively or negatively. God saw whatever He wanted to create before it manifested in the physical, and upon manifestation, it was pleasing in His sight. His desire to create was not without aim; He wanted to create something that would please Him and He said exactly what would fulfill His pleasure...
At times some people create sickness by speaking such words as, "I think I'm going to get a fever", not knowing that they are creating something that will not make them happy a little while later. Others use their decision-making capacity to make choices that affect them or the people around them negatively in the short or long run.
We can use our tongues and minds to create a future for ourselves, our families and the people around us, and at the end of a long satisfied life we can exclaim saying, "That was good". The same applies to eternal life; one perceives it in their heart and mind that Heaven is a real place, and they make a choice to confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and those words create a place for them in eternity! And when we reach there, we will look and say "This is very good".
But before we reach heaven, I shall still declare, "