Saturday, July 18, 2015

Play your Part

Don't be afraid of anything for God is with you!
God has a lot already READY for you but He has to ensure that your character will be able to help you maintain whatever you receive. So work on your character NOW as you eagerly wait on HIM.
Now that you know what GOD can do and is willing to do in your life, concentrate on making yourself FIT for what HE wants to release to you. Otherwise you can stop at the promises and never see them come to pass! That sad ending happened to the children of Israel that died in the wilderness; they failed to get themselves READY even after 40 years! Hence, they died with an unfulfilled promise of a land flowing with milk and honey?
How much more TIME are you still willing to WASTE rotating around that mountain?! Drop the childish things and CHOOSE to GROW UP! The same old habits, negative attitudes, self-pity, pride, low self-esteem, compromise, gossiping... Why don't you move on?!

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