Matthew 1: 9-11
Christmas is a time when we are meant to be giving to God in worship and adoration. At the first Christmas the wise men brought Myrrh, Frankincense and Gold as an offertory to the newborn King. Christmas is not about us getting, but us giving! On the first Christmas God gave us the most precious gift of all – His Son Jesus. Up to this day, this gift is as precious to us as it was on that Christmas! We can never be able to give God anything that expensive, but at least we can give Him the best we can afford.
Luke 2:1-20
The First Christmas reminds us of the greatness of our savior. Much as Jesus decided to come humbly into this world, His glory and honour could not be hidden entirely! A star had to watch over Him at the very location of His birth. This represented all the constellations and solar systems in the universe – all of them had to bow before their maker. Then the angels formed a special choir for the occasion – these few represented the multitudes of angels and all heavenly beings. They too had to be part of this great celebration and portray their respect to the King of kings who now lay in swaddling clothes in that manger! On earth they saw a baby, but the angels knew exactly who they were singing to! Hallelujah! Then came the wise men; just as they are called, they represented the wise ones of this world that commune with the nobles. They too had to worship the King of kings in the manger! Joseph and Mary represented the servants of God. Then the shepherds represented the lay people. They too were honored to be part of this great celebration! Not forgetting that the animals were present too! Such a set up reminds us of the words of Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:15-17 and causes us to sing the words of Psalm 148.
The first Christmas reminds us that God can use anything and anyone for His Glory. Who could have thought that God would use a young virgin girl with no special profile, and let her be the mother of the Saviour of the world? Who could have thought that of all places God would use a manger for a special private maternity ward for the delivery of the Son of God? Who could have thought that God would use a census to drive Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem at that particular time? God can use any person, any place and any process to get you to where He needs you to be!
The other thing we learn from the First Christmas is to never despise humble beginnings. It doesn't matter where you began from or how small you began. Jesus began as a baby in swaddling cloths in a manger but He ended up as the Saviour of all humanity! Up to this day He still saves and heals and is seated at the right hand of God the Father! Even Herod had this kind of revelation and that's why he thought to himself that he had to kill this new born king before He would grow up. If there's a beginning, then there's potential for a great end, in Jesus' name!
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