Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Matthew 1: 9-11
Christmas is a time when we are meant to be giving to God in worship and adoration. At the first Christmas the wise men brought Myrrh, Frankincense and Gold as an offertory to the newborn King. Christmas is not about us getting, but us giving! On the first Christmas God gave us the most precious gift of all – His Son Jesus. Up to this day, this gift is as precious to us as it was on that Christmas! We can never be able to give God anything that expensive, but at least we can give Him the best we can afford. 

Luke 2:1-20
The First Christmas reminds us of the greatness of our savior. Much as Jesus decided to come humbly into this world, His glory and honour could not be hidden entirely! A star had to watch over Him at the very location of His birth. This represented all the constellations and solar systems in the universe – all of them had to bow before their maker. Then the angels formed a special choir for the occasion – these few represented the multitudes of angels and all heavenly beings. They too had to be part of this great celebration and portray their respect to the King of kings who now lay in swaddling clothes in that manger! On earth they saw a baby, but the angels knew exactly who they were singing to! Hallelujah! Then came the wise men; just as they are called, they represented the wise ones of this world that commune with the nobles. They too had to worship the King of kings in the manger! Joseph and Mary represented the servants of God. Then the shepherds represented the lay people. They too were honored to be part of this great celebration! Not forgetting that the animals were present too! Such a set up reminds us of the words of Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:15-17 and causes us to sing the words of Psalm 148. 

The first Christmas reminds us that God can use anything and anyone for His Glory. Who could have thought that God would use a young virgin girl with no special profile, and let her be the mother of the Saviour of the world? Who could have thought that of all places God would use a manger for a special private maternity ward for the delivery of the Son of God? Who could have thought that God would use a census to drive Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem at that particular time? God can use any person, any place and any process to get you to where He needs you to be! 
The other thing we learn from the First Christmas is to never despise humble beginnings. It doesn't matter where you began from or how small you began. Jesus began as a baby in swaddling cloths in a manger but He ended up as the Saviour of all humanity! Up to this day He still saves and heals and is seated at the right hand of God the Father! Even Herod had this kind of revelation and that's why he thought to himself that he had to kill this new born king before He would grow up. If there's a beginning, then there's potential for a great end, in Jesus' name! 

Friday, July 24, 2015


Supermarkets, companies and various stores have tried to market themselves as “one-stop centres”. By this they’re trying to imply that the moment you get to them, you will have whatever you need! Nevertheless, this is merely a marketing slogan because no single place in this world is a real one-stop centre. There’s no single supermarket or store or organization or person on planet earth that can take care of all your needs. However, the lack of such an entity on earth doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist completely.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me inform you that there is such a reality of a real one-stop solution centre; and this centre is not a place but the creator Himself – His name is Jehovah God!
Throughout all generations He has proved to be the only genuine one-stop solution centre for all individual needs, community challenges, national  problems and all the world’s dilemmas!
We are in the last days and these are times where people are trying to devise solutions for everything; these are days where man is trying to prove that he can be self-sufficient and that he can have an explanation and cure for everything. However, no matter how much money is spent on research experiments everyday, man will NEVER reach a point of providing all the solutions. Only God has, and will always have, ALL the solutions!
Hence, my message to you today is very simple: No matter what your challenge or need is, know that there’s that one-stop solution centre where you can go and get all your needs met. Quit looking up to man for everything because man is limited. That’s why we still have the so-called first world countries still investing in scientists both in laboratories and outer space – they seem to be the most advanced on the planet BUT they are still looking for solutions up to this day and I can assure you of this one thing: their quest for answers is not about to end!
However, this centre that I’m talking about had all the solutions even before the first problem ever showed up! It has solutions even for problems that have never been known by man! It’s only that when something that has been unknown to man happens, he labels it “new”; but have you wondered why we say that “God makes a way where there seems to be no way” and not “God making a way where there is no way”? The word “seems” means that it is a matter of perspective. In other words, from man’s angle it appears like there is no way BUT that can never happen to God! Even when man sees nothing, God already knows where it is!
This centre under the authority of my Father Jehovah, His Son Christ Jesus and His Holy Spirit has more angels than you can ever count and they’re all interested in getting involved with your affairs more than you can imagine!
-          This centre has a surveillance system over the entire universe and it has never failed even for one milli-second. This system can pick your voice from wherever you are and answer your call from the remotest areas where no mobile network reaches! Forget about the CIA, MOSSAD, MI6 and all those scary intelligence agencies. Not only can this system locate you, but it has all your biodata and all other forms of personal information from before your birthday! David understood this and wrote those marvelous words in Psalm 139:1-16.
-          This centre has one contact code and it is available (and affordable) to EVERYONE! If you want to know this code, it is spelt out in John 14:13-14 by the most credible man that has ever walked on this planet! He says, "WHATSOEVER you shall ask in MY NAME, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask ANYTHING in MY NAME, I will do it".
-          It is for this reason that I told you it is a one-stop solution centre! The man talks about ANYTHING! Let it be spiritual, emotional, physical - He has ALL the solutions. All you need to do is to dial J.E.S.U.S with your mouth!
-          If you’re looking for children, you don’t need to go to witch doctors; just get to the Bible and read about Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth’s testimonies.
-          If your problem is productivity in business or cheating business partners, go and read about Jacob in Genesis 30 and see how God can make you exceedingly prosperous even in such circumstances!
-          If you feel you have any burden that seems to be too heavy for you to carry, and you feel you’re tired of life, don’t think of suicide for there’s information from this centre recorded in this centre’s brochure in  Matthew 11:28 and it is for your good: it says, “Come all you who labour and are heavy laden and the master will give you rest”.
#I don’t know what your problem is but whatever it is and however it is, there is nothing that God doesn’t have a solution for.
# Simply trust Him as your one-stop solution centre and always present everything to Him in prayer. # He has more than enough resources to handle your needs and challenges. In 2Kings 19 we read about a scared King who had good communication with God’s solution centre. A terrifying army had waged war against him BUT he sent his request for help to God and in response God sent only one angel and he killed 185,000 soldiers in the enemy camp in just one night! Just because of that intervention, the war ended before it began! If one angel could wave off a pending national tragedy without any stress, what do you think is too big for God? He asks that question in Jeremiah 32:27, “I am the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?”
# Sometimes He may not work on your issues the way you expected Him to BUT he has given us this promise in Romans 10:11. TRUST HIM. Reduce on the trust you have in the arm of flesh; the trust you have in yourself,  the trust you have in the medical, security and education systems of this world - and greatly increase your trust in God! Whatever man can do, God can do it a lot better and what man can’t do, only God can!
#WHATEVER needs we have in our lives, our families, our communities, our nation and in the nations of the world, we are going to present them to Him in prayer this day and every day because we know that He is our ONE-STOP SOLUTION CENTRE! 

Saturday, July 18, 2015


One of the key aspects of MATURITY in the Lord is having that "Shock absorber" which quickly curbs the effect of whatsoever tries to shake you out of God's peace and joy. This "shock absorber" eventually manifests as SELF CONTROL and SERENITY. This doesn't mean that you can't be hurt, disappointed or annoyed by anyone or anything but it means that you have the ability to shield yourself from getting DEEPLY troubled, mad or sad over things; it means you have the ability to brush off things and restore to "normal position" in a very short time; it means you have the ability to keep your Joy and Peace as CONSTANTS!
My shock-absorbers are getting stronger every day, how about you?


Meditate on the goodness of your God more than you meditate on all the imperfect things around you and everything will be a loooooot better! 
‪#‎Love‬ God | Love People | Love Life#


You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, Do not resist the evil man [who injures you]; but if anyone strikes you on the right jaw or cheek, turn to him the other one too.
‪#‎Matthew‬ 5:38-39 AMP#


The spiritually mature don't treat people depending on their goodness BUT they treat people according to the Word of GOD!

Safe SEX

"Protected Sex" will never be "Protected SIN"! A condom can protect you from "an unwanted pregnancy" but it can't protect you from the wages of sin and the wrath of God!
Whether 'it' is ON or OFF, as long as it is not with your wife/husband, IT IS NOT SAFE! Period. 
#That's the truth USAID, UKAID, WHO, UHMG, etc will never tell you!#

Play your Part

Don't be afraid of anything for God is with you!
God has a lot already READY for you but He has to ensure that your character will be able to help you maintain whatever you receive. So work on your character NOW as you eagerly wait on HIM.
Now that you know what GOD can do and is willing to do in your life, concentrate on making yourself FIT for what HE wants to release to you. Otherwise you can stop at the promises and never see them come to pass! That sad ending happened to the children of Israel that died in the wilderness; they failed to get themselves READY even after 40 years! Hence, they died with an unfulfilled promise of a land flowing with milk and honey?
How much more TIME are you still willing to WASTE rotating around that mountain?! Drop the childish things and CHOOSE to GROW UP! The same old habits, negative attitudes, self-pity, pride, low self-esteem, compromise, gossiping... Why don't you move on?!


There's that ONE THING that you were created for; it's what defines your PURPOSE for existence on this planet. For instance in Judges 13:5 Samson's purpose was spelt out to His parents by the angel - He was to be born to deliver Israel from the hand of the philistines. Have you identified that ONE THING for which you were born?
Even our Lord Jesus Christ was born with a predefined PURPOSE. He did a lot of miracles, taught a lot of people and did so many things but there was THAT ONE THING which could define His entire purpose! 1John 3:8 records that "for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." Do YOU know the purpose for which you have been manifested onto this planet?

Identify the Source of your problem

Sometimes all you need is to IDENTIFY the source of your problem so that you stop fighting endless battles or applying the wrong weapons and tactics!
EXAMPLE: When you are thirsty and you eat a lot of food, you don't get any better much as food isn't bad! Likewise, Christians need to understand that prayer is NOT the solution to every problem; sometimes it's a point of ignorance, character, stubbornness, pride, not tithing, insensitivity to God's voice, etc...

Don't Quit

Out of the 10 'lepers' you heal probably only 1 will come back to say thanks BUT DON'T STOP healing 'other lepers'. Your Master never stopped because of the ungrateful 9!
No matter how many people have disappointed or frustrated you after you helped them, DON'T think of stopping the good works! Helping others is what has always kept life flowing in you; Keep blessing people whenever you get the opportunity to do so. 


God loves you regardless of what you have done or where you've been! That's the GOOD NEWS of our LORD Jesus Christ! He is NOT interested in your sins but He so desperately desires that EVERY MAN shall know that His Son died so that all those sins SHOULD BE TAKEN AWAY. That's why He calls you to come to Him if you feel heavy laden. If you're wondering where you can find this man Jesus, look no further! He has AMBASSADORS all over the world and I AM ONE OF THEM. When you tell me about your issues, I will not overload you with the burden of your guilt but I will help you know how to overcome and emerge a conqueror! That's what we do in this Kingdom!

Obedience & Sensitivity

God is a father and His desire is for us to have the best and to have it all. However, He is such a responsible parent who will not spoil us with stuff and just let us mess everything up! He has to make sure that He does a “capability check” before He entrusts with certain things.  Before He fills up a container, He wants to ensure that it is in the right condition; ready to carry what He desires for it to contain. 
Galatians 4:1-2 (AMP). Now what I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and under age, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate; But he is under guardians and administrators or trustees until the date fixed by his father.

Key areas in which we need to mature:
1.     Listening to God’s voice and following instructions (Sensitivity and Obedience):
These are two key areas in which every Christian ought to mature if they desire to deal with God at deeper levels and for greater assignments. Through the journey from Genesis to revelation we realize that these 2 aspects are emphasized and in all instances determined how much they succeeded in God. The significance of these principles has not changed even in our day.
So many people have missed out on opportunities or landed in trouble just because they never listened to God or because they deliberately ignored that voice. We need to be sensitive and obedient to God’s leading regarding every aspect in our lives; relationships, investment decisions, jobs, business ideas, and even those things we consider “tiny”.   
  • Isaiah 1:19-20 says, If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; 20 But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. If you read the scriptures you will discover how true this scripture has been up to this day! 
  • In Genesis 3:17 says, “And to Adam He said, Because you have listened and given heed to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it, the ground is under a curse because of you; in sorrow and toil shall you eat [of the fruits] of it all the days of your life. All the trouble of mankind began when one man listened and obeyed to a voice that carried a message antagonistic to God’s directive. Paul amplifies this in Romans 5:19 when he says “For just as by one man’s disobedience the many were constituted sinners, so by one Man’s obedience the many will be constituted righteous.” Another point to note here is that Adam obeyed to what God had said as long as there was no other voice. Some people are like that: For instance many know that God told them to tithe and they promptly obey not until another voice comes and says, “are you sure that principle still applies?” and then they start biting on it! What comes next is trouble!  
  • In Genesis 12, Abraham began a journey of not only being sensitive to God’s voice but also being radically obedient regarding every instruction including that of sacrificing his son of the promise! And now we know that his legacy still continues because his obedience earned him more than just the good of the land!
  • In Genesis 13, we read about the moment when Abraham and Lot had to separate and when Lot was given the opportunity to choose where he would go, he didn’t consider God’s opinion. If he had been sensitive to God’s voice he would have known that what glittered at that moment would eventually become hell-on-earth causing him to lose everything! Still there some folk that live like that; they make decisions about things and people based on what they see today instead of what God says. Eventually they end up in trouble and they ask God, “Why didn’t you help me?”
  • When we read the book of Jonah, we realise that much as he had the sensitivity to hear what God was saying, he wasn’t willing to obey and he almost lost his life in the process. There are people like that; they can instantly discern that the sermon was theirs, or that God was speaking to them through that dream or that he was telling them to change something through that TV program…but they still remain adamant.
  • Even in ministering the Gospel we need to be sensitive to God’s leading in order to be fully effective; we shouldn’t just minister any way or anywhere. In Acts 16:-10 we have an interesting account: “And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. And when they had come up to Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them. So, passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 And when Paul[c] had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go on into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.”  Isn’t it a little bit confusing that God can forbid a minister from reaching out to certain people at a given time?! Yet Paul and his friends obeyed to this voice too!
  • I would also like to emphasise that it is hard for someone to have high sensitivity and obedience to God without having an intimate relationship with Him. So if we want to grow in these areas, the time we spend with God and in His Word should be a critical point.

I will end with these questions as food-for-thought for each of us: 
-         Can you tell when God is speaking to you?
-         Have you identified some of the various ways, things and people God uses to speak into your life?
-         How seriously do you take God’s communication when it is conveyed unto you?
-         How consistent are you with your sensitivity and obedience to God? Are you only good in particular seasons or settings?

Easy Way Vs Hard Way

You wonder why bad things keep happening yet God is so good...but have you wondered why people are so STUBBORN? Leave alone people who are still in the world; I'm talking about CHRISTIANS who won't pay attention to what the preachers say; who won't even consider a testimony from someone, who with impeccable evidence, claims to have visited heaven and hell...people who choose to take every Godly communication LIGHTLY! This is how it works: WHEN MEN FAIL TO UNDERSTAND THE EASY WAY, THE ONLY REMAINING OPTION IS THE HARD WAY!


"AMBITION PREACHERS" will encourage you with inspiration to become WHATEVER YOU WANT to become BUT "TRUE BIBLE PREACHERS" will inspire you to pursue WHAT GOD WANTS YOU TO BE! I am not for Ambition; I am for the BIBLE.
Don't confuse AMBITION with VISION; Ambition is about STATUS yet Vision is about PURPOSE!


YOU have been MADE ALIVE, JUSTIFIED AND FREE by the cross and blood of JESUS. By the Grace of God you're a NEW CREATION. You can't understand all that and keep living in sin! You can't afford to live in death anymore when someone has handed over LIFE to you! Those who endorse dead works haven't comprehended the meaning of GRACE.
DON'T "Take charge of your life", rather let Jesus be your LORD and let HIM be in Charge of your Life.
CHOOSE to be HAPPY regardless! The devil (using circumstances and people) will always tend to fight that decision but keep up with the fight. Sadness and misery are not part of your lot!

Don't dance with the devil!

Don't confuse 'GOOD CAUSES' with the 'GOSPEL'. It is impossible to preach the Gospel of Jesus and fail to do good BUT it is very possible to participate in a 'good cause' when it has nothing to do with God. As children of GOD we have been called to be PREACHERS OF THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, NOT GOOD CAUSES.
CHURCH, be vigilant for your adversary the devil is very crafty. DON'T be deceived that the world can produce anything good! Just like good fruit can't be harvested from a poisonous tree...
No 'famous' secular artiste can do anything good without an evil agenda. That doesn't mean that their hearts do not have any room for 'good intentions' BUT it's all about the spirit that works in them and the fact that they have chosen to be vessels for a particular kingdom. They've paid a price for that fame, and for that reason their lives are not theirs anymore... so don't be deceived.
SUCCESS isn't abt Status, Money or Fame. It's about FULFILLING YOUR GOD-ORDAINED PURPOSE. Run your race with ENDURANCE and keep going to Nineveh; do not be tempted into altering your course to Tarshish. Hebrews 12:1-2
There's always a problem when the Church believes it can be INSPIRED by the world! That equation is upside down. It is the Church supposed to inspire the world because it has the Spirit of God and the mind of Christ.
I believe from Heaven's balcony it is such an unbeliavably absurd sight when God looks down and sees a pastor opening the doors wide and allowing a man who is not born again to come in and teach a flock of God's children "how to succeed in life"! How can a man without the Spirit of God teach those with the Spirit of God how to succeed in life?!
Child of God, GET THIS STRAIGHT: There's no sensible INSPIRATION you can get from the world. For instance, if you aspire to be a great artiste, you don't have to listen to Celine Dion or Akon, look for the Cece Winans; if you dream of being in the political field, look for born again leaders who have walked the talk of Christianity and if you can't find any in this generation, look for the recorded wisdom of people like George Washington; if you plan to be big in business, don't look for wisdom from Bill gates but seek inspiration from people like David Green (Founder of Hobby Lobby)...WHICHEVER FIELD you are, there's enough inspiration for you in YOUR FATHER'S HOUSE. You don't need to 'visit' the world for anything!


We have been called to LOVE and SERVE. You can't Love God and fail to love people. You also can't serve God without serving people!
Treasure the people that love you genuinely.
"Thank you" doesn't only have to be in your mouth but more importantly in your ATTITUDE as well.

Keep a GOOD ATTITUDE when you are REBUKED...for the Bible says, "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but whoever hates correction is stupid."

GOD has always LOVED you, LOVES you and will FOREVER LOVE you!!!
Touch somebody's life with the LOVE of Christ...
DON'T talk of LOVE if you don't want to work on OBEDIENCE and RESPECT!
"If ye love me, keep my commandments." - John 14:15
People can't smell the FRAGRANCE of your LOVE if your CHARACTER is STINKING.
You can't have the Love of God at work in you and you still remain "full of yourself"!
You may never know who or what may come your way during the day, but here is one ATTITUDE STATEMENT you ought to make every morning...
"This is the day the LORD has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it."


WE shall NOT forget the reason we started in the first place! This banner serves as a reminder to us that our mission is to Transform Our Generation for God's Glory. We shall still reach out to the University students, primary and secondary schools, the community at large... and the message shall not change - "He came that they may have life and have it more abundantly!" 
‪#‎Members‬, Friends & Partners - Transformation Army#

From ZERO...

The BEAUTY of building something from ZERO is that you see it GROW right from the FOUNDATION through the "WOW stages"! For all of you that have been part of us in our "foundation stages", thank you for believing in this Vision.This far has the Lord brought us and I can boldly declare that THE FUTURE IS A LOT BRIGHTER! Let's keep together in this journey...

QUOTED from Pastor Jackson Senyonga

"The right decision made in the wrong time can disorganise God's schedule for your life. Go ahead and make a decision to be great today."
- Ps. Jackson Senyonga


"Do you know that a wrong decision can push your life back 10 years!"
- Ps. Jackson Senyonga


"I don't know how to think small; I can only think big."


"You are as great as the amount of revelation God has given to you. One big revelation can change your life."


"Flesh can go so far, money can go so far, fame can go so far... BUT when GOD gives you an opening, NOBODY can stop it!" ‪#‎Divine‬.opening#

The Mystery of Soaps

To all of you that are still fans of soaps on TV, you may not know what you're doing to your soul but it's worse than what you think! Soaps are designed to feed you with false perceptions about people, relationships and doctrines, to captivate your passion and eventually to dictate so many things in your soulish realm. All they depict is revenge, lust (presented as love), lies, hypocrisy, etc. In this generation, soaps have gone from simply affecting your soul and now they're those designed to affect your spirit directly! If you have been watching what has been happening in the trend of soaps in Uganda for example, you will realise that a certain local station specialises in Indian soaps where idol worship is not only endorsed, but the THEME of the soap! These are not pieces of entertainment but WORSHIP! To make matters worse, these soaps are now interpreted in local dialect to make sure that as many people as possible are part of this "digital occult worship". DON'T be deceived; these soaps are written, directed and dedicated to the devil for certain purposes before they come to your screen and they're targeting your soul and spirit. When you watch an anointed service on TV, you can easily receive a miracle as well much as the service/crusade was recorded! Your soul can get inspired and your spirit edified. In the same way, as you watch those soaps, there's an impact to your soul and spirit; as you listen to those enchantments (especially the ones they repeat intentionally) you may be listening to words (you can call them evil tongues) that are invoking evil spirits into you. Eventually you find yourself having these characters in your dreams but you can't even discern that you're dining with evil spirits at that point! Then they show you the living talking to the dead and you even forget that the Bible makes it clear that the dead do NOT have ANY business with the living; so the next time you dream your dead father or relative talking to you, you think it's ok just like it was in the soap but you're actually conversing with 'familiar spirit's a.k.a 'impersonating demons'. Get this straight: There is NO SOAP inspired by God and every TV station is not just a station but an ALTAR [either for GOD or the devil]. I know someone will edit their watchlist after reading this... Let your friends know the truth if they were ignorant about the subject and feel free to ask where you need clarity.
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. [Ephesians 5:11]

Character, Choices & Consequences

Character is more important than skill, talent, anointing and all forms of ability. You can get a lot of things in life but character is what determines the holding capacity of the container for whatsoever we receive. If our character gauge is low, then one of the two things shall happen: Either we won’t get what we ought to get OR we will get it and fail to maintain it.
Take responsibility for your CHOICES and ACTIONS. Don't look for people to blame for what you're responsible for. Every CHOICE has a CONSEQUENCE...and since you make the choices, own up the CONSEQUENCES as well. Don't be like the devil; up to now he is looking for someone to blame for his eviction from heaven!

Your CHARACTER (which can be manifested in things we hear and see) is PROOF of "how much" JESUS you have in that heart of yours that we can't see! It's not about the prayer meetings you attend, the ministry departments you belong to, the daily Bible Study or the nice Gospel Music you play... If your LIGHT is for real, then we shall see it SHINE!

If your child joins a certain group and their character changes from bad to good, you will automatically like and commend that association...but if they joined the group and their character at home goes from good to bad, you would blame it on the group they joined... LIKEWISE people can love or dislike that Church/Fellowship you attend depending on you. Churches have been ranked and rated basing on their ambassadors a.k.a representatives a.k.a members. DON'T MIS-REPRESENT that place and its leadership please!
If you say you love people and yet they don't seem to be "touched" or "impressed" by your love, then probably you need to check your CHARACTER. People can't smell the FRAGRANCE of your LOVE if your CHARACTER is STINKING.

You have "your time"!

David didn't become King the day he killed Goliath or the day he entered the palace or the day he sat on the throne; he became king the day he was anointed! DON'T confuse CONSECRATION with MANIFESTATION. You may not have been REVEALED yet BUT you've already been CONSECRATED and ORDAINED! When your time to be revealed comes, they will think you've popped out of nowhere BUT you will have a higher version of the story. That's your Word for today.

Pilgrimage Vs Biblical Faith

THE UGANDA MARTYRS MUST have been BORN-AGAIN because there's no conviction deep enough in any religion that can make you stand against a king and you choose death over life - only a born-again man can go that far! They didn't have to make a pilgrimage BUT their FAITH!

I took the journey down memory lane to remember some history that we studied close to 20 years ago... THE GREAT TREK which was a movement of the "boers" from British control in the 1830s and 1840s... some of these groups moved for over 650 km! _
What brought back these memories is the sight of many zealous BUT IGNORANT people who think walking a long distance to Namugongo and other pilgrimage sites has an attachment to pleasing GOD! It's pathetic that people can be that lost. We need to preach the Gospel so that people can understand that all that makes a difference is the risen Christ dwelling in their lives!

People can afford to walk hundreds of kilometres in the name of a "holy pilgrimage" yet they refuse to do the easiest thing of receiving Jesus as the Lord and Savior of their lives! That's why I hate religion! It is such a dangerous bondage.
You don't have to go to Mecca or Medina or Namugongo or Israel to attain any level of holiness or righteousness... you just label that "A LONG DISTANCE TOUR" because that's what it is anyway! What you need is JESUS in your HEART in order to be in the right standing with God. Period!

Words to the Wise #3

NEVER ask me to "wish you success"...
As a child of God, I pray for you, I decree a blessing over you and I command you to go and excel! "Wishing" is for non-believers.

Appreciative people are always an encouragement... BE ONE OF THEM.
JESUS is the reason I do what I do... Why do you do what you do?
Many go to Church, pray a lot, attend numerous services BUT their character is NOT Christian at all... Walk the talk - that's what will genuinely transform the world around you.
We are the result of the DECISIONS we make. Don't mess your life up!
That doesn't mean that what you knew before was wrong BUT it means YOU now know BETTER!
The things that appeal to you are a direct representation of what (or who) rules in your heart.

"Statement of Freedom"

Our FREEDOM in Christianity does NOT mean that we have the liberty to do whatever we want or whatever makes us happy; rather it implies that we have the liberty to do what WE OUGHT to do to fulfill our Master's will in our lives.

Winning God's Heart

King Solomon did not spend 3 hours in prayer per day in order to gain favour before God; he did not confess God's promises 40 times a day or attend numerous conferences BUT He made God a PRIORITY and he gave to Him GENEROUSLY! For instance, this king refused to build himself a palace not until he built the Lord's house (a project that took him 7 years)!

Invest Wisely*

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

The FIRST CHURCH Revolution

Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need. And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus, having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
‪#‎Acts‬ 4:32-37#
God needs people who will NOT wait to have SURPLUS in order to give to Him. These turn out to be the REVOLUTIONARIES in the field of the Gospel! In Acts 4:32-37, they sold their lands and houses to finance the preaching of the Gospel. Are you ready to join that revolution in our generation? What are you willing to let go?

Principles of Giving


"Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'it is MORE BLESSED to give than to receive". Why settle for less when you can have MORE?! KEEP GIVING! 


GIVERS always expect INCREASE & MULTIPLICATION: Luke 6:38 says WHEN YOU GIVE, YOU get back good measure, pressed down, shaken together and flowing over! 


Both Abel and Cain brought an offertory to the Lord. However, one got PROFIT and the other made a LOSS! Give God your FIRST and your BEST lest you WASTE your giving. 

Words to the Wise #2

Many Christians are FRUSTRATED just because they have not been taught that Christianity is more about WHAT GOD requires of you and not what you can get out of HIM!
DON'T pray to God asking Him to do what YOU MUST do! You SHOULD do what you ought to and let Him handle what falls in His jurisdiction.

HOW shall a young Christian man/woman avoid COMPROMISE?
No.1. BE STRICT on which kind of people you keep CLOSE. If your COMMON FACTOR is not your love for CHRIST, you need to make a reshuffle!


YOU CAN NOT REACH where you're meant to go if you keep HANGING OUT with people who are NOT going there!

You're more VALUABLE than that...

Some young ladies are having sex with men for marks, others for jobs, others for 'fun', others for nothing, others for lust (which they want to call 'love'), others for so many other reasons... and amazingly those who use their bodies as "a resource" ridicule those who give away their bodies "for nothing" and yet those who give away their bodies "for nothing" wonder how one can sleep with a man for marks! HOWEVER, the bottom line is: whether it's for something or nothing, U MAKE YOURSELF SO CHEAP by sleeping around with a man who doesn't have the boldness to legally marry you before asking for sex... 
DON'T! U are a lot more VALUABLE than that!
‪#‎Henry‬ Ssabiiti says so!#

Young Ladies...

IF he can't appreciate your beauty without undressing you;
IF he can't compliment your sweetness without kissing you;
IF he can't feel your love without touching you in all the wrong places;
IF he can't be bold enough to face your parents and ask for your hand in marriage;
IF he can't be patient enough to put a ring on your finger before he sleeps with you;
THEN YOU can't be stupid enough to spread your legs apart for him;
AND YOU can't risk keeping such a person around you!
‪#‎Henry‬ Ssabiiti says so!#

Resting In Eternal Peace

Your soul will NEVER rest in eternal peace because of the number of people saying R.I.P at your funeral or because of the wonderful words people say about you when you're gone or because of the prayers made by priests, Imams, bishops, etc at your burial; your soul can ONLY have eternal peace if you acknowledge Jesus Christ when you're still ALIVE. 
‪#‎John‬ 3:17-18#

Don't be a devil

When the devil lost his place in heaven, he developed an everlasting bitterness towards everyone trying to make it to heaven! Likewise, there are some young people that lost their virginity and now envy others that are keeping themselves pure...dear unmarried virgins, don't give in to the pressure of those who made the wrong decision, and if you made the wrong decision, don't act like Lucifer; help those that are still on the right track and get back to the right way as well! It's not too late to make the right decisions. 

Words to the Wise #1

These two CONFESSIONS of HOPE will always help you maintain the right ATTITUDE in hard times:
1."It could have been worse".
2."This too shall pass!"
KEEP THE FAITH. Psalms 124:1-8

Sometimes you don't need to change WHAT you do but HOW you do it.

VIRGINITY is still on VOGUE no matter how perverted the world gets!
‪#‎GOD‬ says so!#

Look for the GOOD in everybody

I choose to look for the good in everybody and I do my best to help everybody become a better them. I believe that's the attitude my Lord Jesus has towards each of us. That's why I don't entertain people with negative judgmental comments about others. Before you try to tell me about their negative side, take an hour talking about THEIR GOOD SIDE! If you can't do that, then we shouldn't be having a conversation about them!