Thursday, May 19, 2011

Upcoming Events - Mission East...

Some of the Mission Snaps from the Intervarsity Mission to Mbarara (February 2011). Come join us for the Malaba Mission (June 5th - 12th, 2011).

Upcoming Events - Mission East

In the February Issue, we presented highlights of the Mbarara Mission. We are glad to announce that the mission flag is heading East, as in East. On the 5th-12 June 2011 in Malaba, Tororo, and the host are a family of evangelists from different churches in the district. Open-air crusades, school visitation, door-to-door evangelism, and encouragement to ministers in the area are core on this mission and a lot more. Come let us reach out to the people in the East as we get an uplifting of our spiritual lives ourselves. All students in their senor six vacation, university students and graduates, as well as the alumni are encouraged to register for this life-changing opportunity. We also encourage those who cannot physically make it to financially sow towards this mission. Please call or send mobile money to 0782 641 922, 0782 887 063.