Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Campus Flavor 2010 - Kyambogo University - Saturday, September 11th 2010

‘Campus Flavor’ is basically an open-air evangelistic crusade designed for a university setting. The Intervarsity Ministry has, in the past, organized such events in conjunction with Kampala FM (Now FM J). Campus Flavor 2010 in Kyambogo will be held at a time when first year students have spent approximately 1 month at University and the continuing students will have spent less than a month into the new academic year. This event is organized by the Intervarsity Ministry and mainly financed by the alumni of the group and well-wishers. 
The objectives of this event will be achieved through various activities between 4pm and 9pm on September 11th 2010. We will have Music, Testimonies, Preaching, Live interviews, Altar calls, Praise and Worship, a time of prayer and so much more.
The bottom line is that the Gospel will be preached, people will surrender and re-commit their lives to the Lord, God will do mighty works through these various activities and the name of Jesus will be glorified. 
We need at least UgShs 1.7M to cover this budget. May you please keep it in your prayers and contribute in any way you can.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I guess you must have heard of or ever used this phrase: "I don't want to lose my patience". Patience is a very expensive attribute and virtue in life. You can only know you have developed patience when you can no longer lose it; patience does not expire. I have come to believe that it is easier to have faith than to have patience. James says, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." [James 1:2-4]. He mentions of a 'Faith test' and a 'Patience test' in this portion of scripture.
For a Christian, you can't go through a patience test without raising your level of trust in God; these two will have to be tested together.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Intervarsity on Facebook

Hello, if you don't know yet, the Intervarsity Ministry is on Facebook. If you are a member, friend or almnus of the Intevarsity, check it out. The facebook account name is JESUS INTERVARSITY.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Preparing for First Year Students in Kyambogo University

University is a very strategic place for influencing the minds of young intellectuals. However, this influence can be good or bad. A popular saying by Edmund Burke goes, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Indeed the devil would like to seize every opportunity to destroy lives and divert people from their right course of destiny, but the only counteractive measure that can make sense is for the church to arise in the might and power of the living God. 
That's why we are on the campaign of calling upon every Intervarsity member who can be in Kyambogo during the orientation week (9th-14th August) to be there so that we welcome as many students as possible into university life. The strategy is so simple: get 3 friends per day for 5 days and bring them for lunch hour fellowship, then talk to them about Jesus, ministry, university life and many other things. They will never forget you. And furthermore, who knows? May be by welcoming those people to university, their lives will be saved from the devil's hands just because of you! I encourage all of us to encourage our friends to be there for this harvest.

Intervarsity Orientation Week Program

We will be having a meeting on Sunday 8th August at Kyambogo for all those that will have reported. We will be meeting every morning before we dispatch. Then we will be having Lunch hour fellowships from Monday to Friday in the Peace park, as well as evening prayer sessions from Monday to Thursday. We will be going for an overnight service on Friday. Saturday afternoon, we will have a ladies' meeting and Saturday evening will be for evangelism in halls/hostels. On Sunday, free transport to Christian Life Church will be available from the Business Studies department and various hostel stages. Let your friends know about this.

The harvest is ready, and my prayer is that God will help the laborers to be ready. I pray that we all get the revelation of why we need to be part of the Freshers’ harvest mission. Remember their orientation week begins Monday 9th August. The more people we have on ground, the greater the harvest. Please consider being there for this week.