Saturday, July 18, 2015

Character, Choices & Consequences

Character is more important than skill, talent, anointing and all forms of ability. You can get a lot of things in life but character is what determines the holding capacity of the container for whatsoever we receive. If our character gauge is low, then one of the two things shall happen: Either we won’t get what we ought to get OR we will get it and fail to maintain it.
Take responsibility for your CHOICES and ACTIONS. Don't look for people to blame for what you're responsible for. Every CHOICE has a CONSEQUENCE...and since you make the choices, own up the CONSEQUENCES as well. Don't be like the devil; up to now he is looking for someone to blame for his eviction from heaven!

Your CHARACTER (which can be manifested in things we hear and see) is PROOF of "how much" JESUS you have in that heart of yours that we can't see! It's not about the prayer meetings you attend, the ministry departments you belong to, the daily Bible Study or the nice Gospel Music you play... If your LIGHT is for real, then we shall see it SHINE!

If your child joins a certain group and their character changes from bad to good, you will automatically like and commend that association...but if they joined the group and their character at home goes from good to bad, you would blame it on the group they joined... LIKEWISE people can love or dislike that Church/Fellowship you attend depending on you. Churches have been ranked and rated basing on their ambassadors a.k.a representatives a.k.a members. DON'T MIS-REPRESENT that place and its leadership please!
If you say you love people and yet they don't seem to be "touched" or "impressed" by your love, then probably you need to check your CHARACTER. People can't smell the FRAGRANCE of your LOVE if your CHARACTER is STINKING.

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